Term 3, week 1
Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a good holiday.
In English this week, we will be using a new book, Tree by Danny Parker, and creating haiku poems.
Our Whole Class Reading this week will be all about Elizabeth (Bessie) Coleman, a non-fiction text. We will be discussing the text, looking at vocabulary and answering comprehension questions.
In Maths, we are continuing the Addition and Subtraction unit, revisiting subtracting across 10 and 100.
In Art, we will be learning about using oil pastels and the different techniques we can use to create artwork to go with our haiku poems.
In our Geography topic, we will begin looking at the United Kingdom.
PE is on a Monday and Friday this term, and we will be starting gymnastics this week. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school.
Homework is issued on a Tuesday and due back the following Monday. If you have any questions about the homework, or if your child is having difficulty completing the work, please email, or leave a note in the homework book.
Reading Records can come in every day, but should always be sent in on a Monday and Thursday. Books will be changed on those days, but we will also do our best to change books every day if necessary. If you have any questions about your child’s reading level, please do get in touch.
If you have any questions, at any point in the year, please email the class email: maple@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk. For any urgent messages, please email the main office email.
Kind regards
Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team