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Term 3 Week 6

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 10.2.25

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 10.2.25

For Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are multiplying a mixed number by an integer and exploring a range of methods to complete calculations using our knowledge of efficiency. We will then be calculating a fraction of a quantity identifying the relationship between dividing by a denominator and multiplying by a numerator, focusing on pictorial representations to support learning.

In English this week in Lilac Class, we are continuing with our planning of a narrative poem about life in the workhouse. We will be using our Street Child text, other texts, BBC documentaries and photographs for stimulus and ideas.  We will then be drafting our poems written in the first person from the perspective of someone living in the workhouse during the Victorian period.  We will also have a drama session with the Drama Geezers and will be involved in an activity based on The Crown by Emily Kapff.  This book is a celebration of life on earth.

For Whole Class Guided Reading, Lilac Class are reading Chapters 8, 9 and 10 of Berlie Doherty’s Street Child entitled ‘The Carpet-Beaters’. ‘The Jaw of the Iron Dog’ and ‘Lame Betsy’.  Examples of our inference questions, where we read between the lines are: ‘Find and copy a sentence which shows Jim was not sure how to escape’, ‘How do you think Jim felt when he saw the fountain?’ and ‘Why do you think the woman gave him some stew?’

In RE, Lilac Class are writing ‘conscience alleys’ for Moses and the Pharaoh.  We will be learning about the Plagues of Egypt and why they took place.  We are exploring why Moses and the Pharaoh are both experiencing a dilemma, what these were and why the men were torn.  We will then re-visit our Big Question ‘How can following God bring freedom and justice?’

For Time and Place, Lilac Class are continuing to find out about what the main inventions of the Victorian period were and how they have shaped our lives today.  In ICT, we are explaining that a loop can stop when a condition is met and are designing a conditional loop and programming a microcontroller to respond to an input. 

In French, Lilac Class are learning words that you need when shopping.  Lilac Class are designing shopping lists – what they want to buy and how many Euros the items on their shopping lists will cost. In pairs using French vocabulary, one child is the shopkeeper and the other is the customer.  

For Science in Lilac Class, we are writing up our investigation where we tested materials for their level of conductivity and will be finding out whether they are electrical insulators or electrical conductors. 

In Design and the Arts we are continuing with our Victorian samplers using thread and binka.  We will be learning to use a variety of stiches with different coloured thread.  We are basing these on our plans.

As it is half term, there will be no Homework set on Thursday but do ensure that your child has finished reading our e-book set on Purple Mash ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’.