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Term 4 Week 1

Homework for Lilac Class for the week beginning 24.2.25

Written Homework to be completed by Tuesday 4th March 2025

Spellings: Please learn the following words for a spelling test. This week we are converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix-ify:

solidify   glorify   amplify   notify   classify   testify   purify   signify   intensify   falsify

This week I would like you to write a sentence containing each word to show that you understand the meaning.  Please look up words in a dictionary to help you.  Can you use commas, full stops and capital letters correctly?  Can you use some direct speech in your sentences?  Can you use a relative pronoun such as that, which, who, whom and where? Can you use a modal verb or time fronted adverbial?  Can you use brackets, dashes and commas to show additional information? Please refer to the ‘Monarchy’ Sheet that gives different strategies for how to learn spellings. This has been stuck in the front of your child’s Homework Book.

Wider Curriculum Learning Matrix Task: This week I would like you to choose one activity from our Wider Curriculum Learning Matrix and complete it.  It has been stuck in your Homework Book.  I will be putting those that are completed superbly onto our Class Blog! 

Online Task: On Purple Mash please ensure that you have completed reading ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’. Your login for Purple Mash has been stuck in your Homework Book.